Be a Better Homeowner

When you own a home, there are many ways you can improve your property and your neighborhood. Here are eight simple ways to be a better homeowner.

Light Up Your Home’s Exteriors

Exterior lighting not only improves the look of your home but also increases the visibility of your property, which deters would-be thieves. Install solar lights along your driveway and walkways. Also, put motion-activated lights near all of your doors and garages.

Begin a Neighborhood Watch or Get Involved in One

A watch is a group of people who make a neighborhood safer by looking out for criminal activity. This distribution of duties gives residents peace of mind and fosters a sense of community.

Contact your neighbors and local law enforcement to see about establishing a neighborhood watch program. Join your neighborhood’s watch if one already exists. This is a simple and effective way for neighbors to keep an eye on each other’s homes and make the community safer.

Be a Better Homeowner by Staying on Top of Your Home’s Maintenance

To be a better homeowner, routine housekeeping and maintenance are essential. There is always something that can be fixed or improved. Houses are complex structures with a wide range of systems and components that must be regularly tended to.

Some tasks you can complete by yourself while others require professional assistance. Cleaning your gutters and pressure washing your home’s siding are excellent things to learn how to do on your own if you have access to the required tools.

Learn Your Property Lines

Keep track of your property lines in case you or a neighbor wish to build a fence or building near the boundary. Metal or wooden poles may already have been placed along the property boundaries. If these aren’t present, look up your property deed to verify the boundary. It’s a good idea to talk with your neighbors before doing any work near a property line.

Set Aside Money for Repairs

You might have to deal with problems like structural issues, plumbing problems, insect infestations, tree cutting, and HVAC system repairs, which are expensive. Be a better homeowner by establishing an emergency fund so you’re better prepared for these kinds of expenses.

To Be a Better Homeowner, Conserve Energy

There are several benefits to being more energy-efficient. You’ll save money on your power bills and you’ll use fewer resources. Schedule an expert assessment and evaluation of your home’s energy efficiency once you’ve moved in. Apply the strategies that are most effective for your family.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

Neighbors appreciate a homeowner who keeps their house clean and maintains its general appearance. Landscaping is an excellent way to benefit the environment while also boosting the home’s curb appeal. Renovations such as painting and improving exterior lighting will improve the home’s appeal and make it feel clean and welcoming.

360 Home Inspections offers home inspections throughout Northern New Jersey. Contact us to book an appointment.

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